On 11/05/2018 at 12:29 PM,
Good morning Pixlpeeps! I had a blog all ready to go on Friday but I scrapped it because I didn’t like it. I was going to do another on Saturday but didn’t so here we are. Instead of what I was playing, I will just do my Quick Hits because you don’t want to read about my exploits on NCAA Football 14 (Season 4 of the Duke Blue Devils and they are ranked #12 with a 4-0 record, and beating #8 Miami on a last second two point conversion), or how I got some PC games running including GTA V (I was running around with zero wanted level causing mayhem), so this QH will be all about voting! I’m kidding, and let’s be real we have all had enough of the constant ads, unwanted texts, and Chris trolling calls so instead let’s check out what Chris has been doing non gaming wise this week.