On 05/08/2014 at 04:33 PM,
This morning I awoke to 2 news stories regarding separate games being delayed. One is Elder Scrolls Online for consoles will be delayed at most 6 months, and Dying Light has been delayed till 2015 like the Witcher 3. Not to mention Feb 2015 to be excat. For those 2 titles thats kind of crazy, dont get me wrong if they need the extra time I rather they take it and make a good product its just weird in my opinion. It sends up the "WTF" signal is going on in Feb 2015. I figure they feel thats better release time for it but I dont know how well that will work. The Witcher is a pretty solid series. I only played some of the first one so far but that amount showed a good game. Ive heard nothing but good for the most part about the series. If they plan to make a challenge with The Witcher 3 which would be odd in itself it might have a hard fight ahead. Regardless Ill prolly only buy one on release, if I can of course and the other will have to wait a time.