Posted on 11/29/2013 at 01:07 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
I pretty much just have this to say, being Christian and all Ben. Christianity isn't being nice to others, or treating others as you want to be treated, etc. It's accepting that Jesus died on the cross to keep all of our sins from being held against us (hence why say, someone who looks at porn can still go to heaven), and trying to live as close a life to Jesus as possible. Those are the two main pillars of Christianity.
What's really funny, is Jesus hung out with regular people, even the lowest of the low. He hung around with tax collectors, prostitutes, sickly people, etc. But because of what the Catholic Church, and by extension the Protestant movement and the Puritan movement associated with them had made up, it became terrible to be around these people, or to say "Hey, this person may be a prostitute, but they would otherwise starve to death, and their kids need food too." Sure, that's not really an excuse to make it okay to be a prostitute, but if someone sees that as their only option, what Christianity SHOULD teach is to spend time with that person, help them get out of that situation, talk to them about it, things like that.
It's why I've more and more slowly moved away from organized Christianity. I still go to church college events and help with the kids, but I tend to do more of the learning on my own, instead of having someone who earned a degree from a school with their own ways of thinking telling me how to be a Christian. There's the one way to get into Heaven, and the one way to try to act as a Christian. It's not a hard religion, but people who abuse power make it harder so that they can gain profit. Just look at divorcing as a Catholic. You don't only have to pay the government and court fees, you have to pay fees to the Catholic Church and appeal to have your marriage annulled by some high-up "God-appointed" man, which is bullcrap, because no man is closer to God than any other, except Jesus.
Sorry for the little rant there, I meant to just say a small something on it, but it just kept a-flowin'! And Happy Thanksgiving Ben!