yeah, I mean, it's cool, but there's definitely better games for the PSP.
yeah, I mean, it's cool, but there's definitely better games for the PSP.
never got into Diablo. I tried Torchlight too.... and that new Marvel Heroes game. They're all kind of a spin on the same design. Heard Diablo 2 was great though.
yeah, why isn't there any metal in those games? It makes me want to puke how little they love metal, man! Fuck them!
yeah man, that Amazon's butt is like a UPS truck.
ever play Valkyria Chronicles? YOu could get that and Ni No Kuni for the price of Xillia.
Like Gemini man said, there's not enough nunchucks in games.
Personally I prefer light sabers and shotguns
I haven't played any of these games except for Ni No Kuni. Arg!
darn, you actually have a list! I don't think I could face mine.
Check out a game called "God of Blades". It's on iOs but I think it's on Android too. Very cool stuff.
never played those Metroid games. I've always wanted to though. Mirror's Edge though is great.
i will send u some files. I think RPGMaker prefers .ogg, because they loop better than wavs or mp3's. At least old RPGMaker was like that.