I have no complaints about my flaming red bowl-cut. It's rather macho lol
I have no complaints about my flaming red bowl-cut. It's rather macho lol
A long time ago a friend told me that before Black Flag ever played a showed or advertised themselves, they spent a couple of months practicing and graffiti'ing the words Black Flag all over their home city. This led a lot of people to wonder "What the hell does Black Flag mean!?", and then they booked their first show and a shitload of people showed up simply out of curiousity and they actually got signed onto a record deal that night!
Not sure if it's true or not, but still cool!
As it stands, my biggest beef with Nintendo lies in the complete lack of games for the WiiU. My Wife and I got the console back in December, and once we finished with ZombiU and Super Mario Bros. U, the console has sat around collecting dust. Unless they make a push to get the software out there for the hardware, it's simply going to continue to collect dust.
It's a major bummer too because I can see a lot of potential within the system. It may not be the best console in terms of graphics, but the WiiU Tablet Controller brings a lot to the table in terms of innovated gameplay.
I have yet to play Def Jam Icon, but I did play the installment before it (I believe it was Def Jam Vendetta??) and I really liked it surprisingly. I hate fighting games as a whole, but in Vendetta you could create a custom character and level them up as you progressed. It really made my custom character feel as if it was mine and not a generic character!
When I blog or write (Or speak), I do what I can to with-hold any and all spoilers. Sometimes I slip, but that's rare. I love the art of surprise and I'd be pissed as well for if someone spoiled something for me as well.
It's been so long since I've played Suikoden (Any game actually, not just 2.). I think it's been nearly 8-9 years since I played one now that I think of it..?
And I'm glad you're serious about the gym this time. Hopefully your results are going to be what you're hoping for!!
Kind of.. You can make quick work of it if you take that short-cut I mentioned before with the water-wheel out of Blighttown!
You have to go through Sens Fortress. It's the across the bridge located above Andre the Blacksmith
I've been trying to incorporate them. I'm just hoping that what I don't say is said through my actions.