Posted on 02/08/2014 at 07:28 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I agree,Kev. Honestly When it comes to being "risque" it would be more disturbing to put someone in the shoes of a murderer or rapist. At least to me games like Manhunt and Rapelay are more "edgy" than what I offer in my game. Essentially what people are getting offended by is a portion of a character's "thoughts" as he witnesses a psychic manifestation of his friend's memory who was raped. A friend who he gives his life to save.
Yes a part of him deep down was aroused but he's ashamed and repulsed by that aspect of himself. It's not as if he revels in it.
If these kids want to know what real "shock" is they should watch Clockwork Orange,The Piano,or Schindler's list. There are many films and television shows that have went further than what I have done. (And are more graphic with doing it considering words and old school sprires cannot convey the realistic body language and facial expressions of real actors.)