That's rough, but at least you're okay.
That's rough, but at least you're okay.
Wow, that's a lot of games! I wouldn't know where to find the time to play them all.
I don't even own a PS3, so there's a lot of games I want to play if I ever get one.
That's something I'll never understand when it comes to games, sometimes at least. Show all the violence you want, that's fine, but don't you dare even so much as allude to a romantic relationship or have female characters show some skin!
Ha, that hamster looks like it's having a blast.
Well it sounds interesting, maybe I'll check it out when I have the time and my laptop isn't acting up too much, like it's doing right now.
That's so nice!
I have two of those Club Nintendo card cases, they're just so convenient.
I've caught a shiny Spinda and Altaria in X. Though I'm a little envious because Pidgey is one of my favorite Pokemon and I've yet to encounter a shiny one.
As I mentioned earlier, I played the 3DS demo of this game so I'm a little familiar with it. I enjoyed it at the time but didn't have the money to get the full game. Then I forgot about it for a while, so maybe I'll pick it up some time after polishing off Bravely Default.
Really? Considering how much of a packrat I am with my writing ideas, I can't help but find that to be a little sad.
I used to dream of being a doctor, but I soured on that once I realized I couldn't stand the sight of someone else's blood.