I want that taito collection for my original Xbox. So far I haven't been able to find any at the usual stores I frequent.
I want that taito collection for my original Xbox. So far I haven't been able to find any at the usual stores I frequent.
note to self. never watch another apple commerical. ever
I need to let my one apple co worker know about this. I wonder if he even knows it.
I think I feel the need to play some more zelda games. I'm way behind on the series and I just got down buying all the retro mario titles off the Wii's VC. I think it's time I moved on to the other nintendo franchises for nostagia sake.
Looking forward to hearing how the Bioshock book is like. Been wanting to read it to but just haven't taken the plunge yet. (heh see what I did that.)
goes to show how far behind I've been on my comments. didn't even knew you were gone!
I forget how lovely the parks can be over there.
The X Factor/ i wish I didn't fall out of archie comics.
Who could forget the Daigo parry. A think of legend it was. too bad it wasn't done at the end of the match.
Live it up and enjoy. hope you able to get some gaming in before you fall over.
I have noticed that the sales offered for gold members has been weak as of late. Not that many 67% off titles anymore. nor are they offering many games for sale from XBLA. instead it's mostly disc based digital titles. all that keeps me coming back to XBLA is the games with gold offerings, moreso upon hearing that Xbox One owners don't get the same perk as us 360 gamers do.
thanks for the heads up on the grilled chicken breasts at KFC. been meaning to find another chicken alteative when salads at the local fast food joints start to taste stale.
why can't we have something like this on XBLA/PSN?
Or even better have ANY kind of sale on the Wii's VC! asking too damn much for those titles!