and the debacle of PC gaming continues....
and the debacle of PC gaming continues....
Will get back to you on that. need to check my schedule.
thanks for the word lesson.
I understand what your speaking of when it comes to teens of the past, Infact back then once you hit your teen years there was no such thing as "teen years". once you were 12 or older you were pretty much an adult in the eyes of the socieity at large. That's how it was not just in the past in the US but all over the world. Even now in some areas of the world that age limit still applies.
But as we become more "civilized" we no longer see teens in that light. And given how stupid teenagers can be this day and age, moreso with very few punishments for being a dummy teen" they don't have the meants to understand things like they could back then. Sure teens are different from kinds and adults which is why we need those categories. It' makes things more complicated but that's what you get when you progress as a socity.
Just look what happened with that 13 year old Smith girl on instragram with a shirtless 20 year old family friend and the debate that's caused.
Looks like I might be doing some trolling on this post, upon taking the time to actually look more into the controversies that are spoken here.
But firs teh underlying answer to all of this could be summed up on how messed up our society has come along with the double standards now being imposed to general ignorance in thinking anything can go with any form of media these days. It might be considered splitting hairs when one person calls playboy porn and another calls it art so sadly te baseline for most issues hasn't been addressed for fear that one person's baseline will not match anothers nor is anyone willing to stand up to make a uniform code of decency like it was in the past without fear of being called a nazi.
Okay now to the points in question!
David Ellis & Ryan Fleming accuse Kojima of misogyny. - my thoughts.
Fault can be found with all parties on this one in a sense. I can understand Kojima trying to have a different take on a character in this MGS series. Despite the differences between Sniper Wolf and The End, they still looked, acted, dressed and had the character of a sniper. But with that said he should've known given this day and age taht someoen is going to call him out on it when one of his reasonings for making Quiet like he did was for "cosplayers". It don't matter how big a name you are in any industry: if your doing something, even for "artistic" reasoning or for just changing things up you better have a better reason for doing such instead of just saying "because i can."
On the flip side David Ellis & Ryan Fleming shoud've known better in using any word that can to trash Kojima for his choice in making Quiet. The term they used didn't fit the situation and was probably only used given how it was the word of the day at the time. they could've worded their statements better instead of making more of a personal attack against them man. Whether they were "white knighting" or just trying to make a name for themselves is a non issue for me myself. They too should've been called out for also trying to label Kojima like they did but sadly in this current climate of double standards and everything goes EXCEPT THAT mentality.
Dragon’s Crown controversy - my take
This one shouldn't have been a shock to anyone really. If you make a game like that and use those kind of "artistic" liberties, someone is going to call you out on it. And in a sense I'm glad they did. Again the makers of Dragon's Crown chose the route they did with this game and stated the reasonings why they did such. As far as I'm concerned they didn't do anything wrong in making this game and it ranks up there with creative choice.
On the other hand with Danielle I can see where she's coming from in why she rated the game like she did. She not only was she reviewing the game but also making a statement about the game that very few other reviewers even mentioned in any way, shape or form with their writings. I'm sure if she really wanted to make a statement she'd have rated it a 1 but given that she's trying to be "professional" a 6 was more fitting. she still touched on the games high points but made sure how she felt about the portrayal of women in the game itself. And that's what's important about the review process and having more than one take on reviews in general. When I read a review I expect to hear the positive and the negative reguardless of the content. It was just a shame that Danielle was one of the very few that spoke up about it. Yes you still can have that kind of artwork for any form of media, but given how we are becoming more "civilized" as a socieity it should be expected that someone is once again going to call you out on it.
I'd continue but I fear my statements might've gone too far.
Now i remember this game. I use to play it a my area pizza hunt when I had the chance. I remember how a teenager told me to take it easy on the joystick. At that time I thoguht if I slammed on the joystick has hard as I could, I could make the chef run faster in the game.
How silly I was back in my youth!
and that's how it was done? I need to see about this if I ever get the urge to try my hand. I already have a story in mind, just the push to see about creating something instead of just destroying it.
Thank you for reminding me about getting thse games eventually mores with TL2. My Xbox could use some more retro love given how I usually play retro during the summer down in my "dungeon" with my Xbox system of choice.
I'd wait till it's official bargin bin price given the nature of the game. Plus I thought if you buy physical you get both the PS3 and Vita versions.
Why yes just recently actually. It' was Tokyo Jungle. Found out I was playing as a dog and ended up falling asleep while in the tall grass.
What? Stop looking at me like that?!?!?!
I tried to get that sonic game for my tablet but the game wouldn't load. I guess I'll have to go the console route eventually along with Sonic Generations.