Can always just post random memes every day ..
Can always just post random memes every day ..
I liked but didn't love Split, so I left a little more satisfied than I thought I would.
Yeah, it was an expensive night. That's for damn sure.
Damn. All of these sound incredibly interesting! I for one would also like more game development documentaries. There's an excellent one about the making of Dead Space on YouTube now. Never played those games, but I love hearing the inspiration behind them as both a gamer and cinephile.
Your vagueness on the Gaiman novel has me curious and I want to read BNW: Revisited despite never being a big fan of that novel. Also want to read the Utopian novel it apparently satirized, if I'm remembering correctly.
Edit: Huxley said it was a parody of H.G. Wells novels like Men Like Gods and A Modern Utopia.
Metal Slug is an interesting motif for a Metroidvania, so if I have the funds I might look into this soon. First I want to play all these Metal Slug games I forgot I have on Steam.
In my PS4 library, I have SotN, XeoDrifter, and Shantae: Pirate's Curse in a category called "2D Mapquests," because to me the genre heavily revolves around filling the map. I get that it's what's in those maps that make these games compelling, but they are definitely geared toward completionists who like exploring and making sure they've got no missing squares on these maps.
I only have Golden Axe and Sonic Spinball for this (on Steam), but I definitely like the virtual room set-up and the ability to eventually try Toe Jam and Earl and Comix Zone. I'd still love a mini Genesis officially licensed from SEGA though. Unlike you, I do not own physical cartridges of any of this stuff and only grew up with Nintendo stuff.
I keep hearing how hilarious game night is and it keeps flying under my radar.
I really want to play Odyssey as well, but I doubt it will ruin on my PC after what happened with Origins (which I bought by mistake, but would have rolled with if it actually worked). I did get Spyro for Christmas though. Sorry Borderlands didn't work for you. That's a bummer.
50 is an impressive goal and I don't think I'll ever read 5 books before a month ends unless I'm really invested in them and they're short. Set my number at 24 (one fiction/one non-fiction a month) and that's about all I trust myself to do.
I still have to watch Daredevil season 3 before punisher season 2. I'm surprised it's your favorite, but I did like season 1.
I need blu rays of all A:TLA plus Legend of Korra. Jealous of your collection as it stands. At least I have the A:TLA comic books, but I'll need to pick up the Korra titles as well.
I remember the last time you mentioned the quarters being a hint gift. Lol At least you're getting it done. Hoping work doesn't stress you out TOO much. Here in Dallas the Dallas Morning News reported the "heaviest flurries" leading to "some snowfall sticking to the grass in some locations." The reactions on that Facebook post so far have been along the lines of BAHAHAHA. "Snow."