Just wait till he get's to the point where you can do something else with a certain "blood dragon" near the end of the game. I just hope you hid his eyes during a certain "scene" of cyber love.
I still get nightmares over that......
Just wait till he get's to the point where you can do something else with a certain "blood dragon" near the end of the game. I just hope you hid his eyes during a certain "scene" of cyber love.
I still get nightmares over that......
Oh no! not mass effect?!?! I'd rather play that Lost Odyssey game than that game. In fact I'd rather play Star Ocean The Last Hope International than Mass Effect.
That gives me an idea......
I wonder when the cries will come out on how their digital rights were violated despite the fact that they want to hack for hire in taking down websites.
I wish my above statement does not become a reality.
YOu can dye your clothes in this game? I actually enjoyed that feature in The Last Story on the Wii...
Yes they are. on PS3 all the GOTY content is on the disc. Not sure about the Xbox 360 if it's an install disc or DLC code.
I remember owning the Nintendo Power magazine that had the walkthrough of this game! it sounds like it's a pretty solid title despite usual game tie ins with tvshows/ movies are not done very well. I never got around to it but I wouldn't mind playing it once. Lots of secrets to be found indeed in this game.
Als you forgot another important GI Joe PSA....
Your welcome!
if I was a college student I'm not sure I'd go watch Selma. Seems to much like yet another guilt movie.
sounds like you had foun with the birthdays. Good time too.
$50 for a graphic novel!?!?! Ouch!
finally I get to test out this itunes thing on my fancy old iphone 4!
I need to see about Guilty Gear. I got most of my SNK/Capcom fightin ghames I want on the PS2/PS3. this one sounds applearing your your review write up. A pity there is not that many characters this go around.
I might actually give this a try for my netbook. It kind of looks like Conflict on the NES/Super NES and I wouldn't mind making alternative history with either the allies or the axis.
I may just take over the world....
Thanks for the link!