this game looks amazing. I feel the need to play this game... right now.
this game looks amazing. I feel the need to play this game... right now.
I heard that too. what I also heard was that report is complete BS. so, I do not know what to believe.
Or be clear about what the actual benefits of their DRM policies are.
As far as achievements are concerned, goldeneye: reloaded sucks. You get used to unlocking an achievement after ever level and then there is goldeneye. I think that I got 3 achievements playing through the campaign, finishing the first level, shooting a janus emblem, and finishing the campaign. Every other achievement you actually have to work towards. In reality, isn't that the way it should be?
are you talking about little mac, or referee mario?
My biggest hope is that they would use the second film to introduce the character of lex luthor. Luthor is such a massive character that I think that he deserves a proper introduction. Hvaing somebody like Brainiac as the villain of the second film, but still have lex in there, just not as the villain.
I have always like superman, but became a big fan around the time that Superman Returns came out. I also started reading more comics and stumbled upon Superman for all seasons, and All-star Superman and completely fell in love. That being said, I really liked the movie, and cannot wait for lex luthor.
Of the two internet providers that I can use, AT&T is the better choice. I have not had any problems so far, until I transfered my service to my new building. I have yet to be truly disappointed with any of the 3 floyds that I have tried, the only problem is that they tend to be $10 for a 22oz bottle... 2/3rds of the 3 floyds beers that I have had have been IPAs. a double rye IPA, two Imperial IPAs, two double IPAs... I am getting thirsty.
this drunken aussie
wants a poem, for something
I could buy myself
Brainiac would be awesome, and would probably make more sense as the next villain. That way they could use the second film to introduce Lex. Kick-Ass was great.