I was really pleased to hear a re-launch of Killer instinct, one of my fave fighters ever, I still play the snes orginal and Gold on my 64, I hope they bring Thunder, Riptor and Cinder from the original back and still include Tusk from Gold!
For the time loss alone games like that scare the pants off me!
Nice episode, I'm also quite excited about a new Killer Instinct, it's a shame that they did a redesign on Jago, I like his old sky blue look but Sabrewulf looks badass! I'm also interested to see what they do with Deadrising, I actually found that the first and second one got really boring after a while and the time restraints proved to be a bit of distraction. An open world FPS that takes a more 'state of decay' approach would be great to see. As for PS4, yeah they got me hooked too, just can't see a rerason to invest in Xbone so quickly, it's a good thing Microsoft has a 'ten-15 year plan' for it beacause it'll certainly be a while before I get one!
That's not good, I hope Bandit is feeling better soon Tami. Vaccines can have that effect for sure so here's hoping that he's just adjusting to it and all is ok!
I was relieved to say the least when Sony made their announcments, Microsoft have lost me for the next Gen, perhaps in quite a few years time when they are able to use the technology they have put out there properly but like you I like to 'own' my games. I want to keep them in boxes for as long as possible and I don't buy this argument from Microsoft that discs are not a valid option. I can see why for games that need virtual memory because of their size but if COD and the like will be released on PS4 and Xbone then that argument falls relatively short!
Totally agree about the country thing, thats what I find laughable with some folk, why should someone born under the Hindu faith have less claim than a Christian! It's not their fault they were concieved in India. And man love isn't wrong......... unless it's performed on me!
No offence taken dude, I enjoy some mental stimulation with fully rounded folk like your self! as for the rape thing, thats fucked up. I'm a big believer that any text written by man is deeply effected by several social factors such as the time it was written and what social norms included. The bible was written a couple of thousand years ago so I don't really understand why certain individuals hang on its every word, I think the deepest faith you can find are those that question what they are told and don't fall on the argument 'thats what the bible says'. My gran is a classic example, don't believe in Jesus Christ (as a guy with a beard who performed miracles) then you don't get into 'heaven'. I think ones of the best decriptions I ever read on anything like this was E. H. Gombrich in his book 'the story of art'. He talks about why certain people don't like Picasso or Monet paintings and he says something along the lines of it offends their reality. For them the grass has to be green and the sky has to be blue, they can't/ won't even imagine it any other way. The best description I ever heard about religion on the other hand was a woman who described her near death experience. She likened god to a diamond and said that all the religions of the world were like the points on that diamond, they all needed to exist for the diamond to be there. I only know one thing for sure, given the size of our universe something is out there, ironically many hardcore religious people (maybe you dad too if you don't mind me saying) are the most scared. They have to cling onto very old and in some cases outdated texts to make sense of it all but at the end of the day nothing teaches you a lesson like life. Sorry for going on, I just enjoy these kind of discussions and thanks for asking my opinion on it!
They've just announced Wii fit trainer as a playable character..... I'm super pissed.
thay are the same old franchaises but it's what Nintendo does with them that makes me excited. They continually drive to improve gameplay and add a new flavour to classics to always keep me going back for more. After the beating they ve taken comment wise on the internet over recent months it's good to see them getting a bit of love.