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BrokenH's Comments - Page 269

Tales of Symphonia and Symphonia 2 HD Remaster!

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 10:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Microsoft has burned its' bridges with Japan so I doubt this gem will surface on the 360. Still, at least I have my psp to keep me cozy! Ys 7 has been wonderful so far and I'm backed up with Jean d'ark,Ogre Battle, FF Tactics, and Crisis core!

Games and Girls--Why Feminist Attacks on the Hobby are Largely Misguided

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 10:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree men and women are not identical. This is not to say we are not equal as human beings but overall we gravitate towards and excel at different hobbies & tasks. I don't believe making a female character more androgynous or "man-like" is the proper solution either. It's gotten to the point female characters in games with feminine traits get booed off the metaphorical stage by certain radical feminists and that seems very counter-progressive" in and of itself. I mean, is it wrong to be a loving house wife? Is it wrong to be a gentle healer or a mother who just so happens to be a great cook? To me all these "negative tropes" are actually "positive".

Also, many gamers mistake "ass-kicking-potential" as the one defining mile-stone. Why is Samus so popular? She's an intergalactic bounty hunter. Why is Aya Brea so popular? She's a no-nonsense police officer/FBI agent. In both cases these women got criticism leveled against them when they showed vulnerability in future sequels. Yes, Other M & 3rd Birthday could have done a better job at expressing said vulnerability, but to my knowledge both these heroines still triumphed over insurmountable odds despite random whimpers,damaged clothes,traumatic flashbacks, and romantic affiliations. I rather focus on the fact Aya & Samus saved the day yet again as opposed to how sexy or insecure they seemed while doing it.

The aloof battle hardened ice queen is a great angle to play on the surface but there should be other emotional layers beneath that facade to truly make a female protagonist "human".

Primal Eyes: Ben talks about all things Aya Brea!

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 07:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

PE 1 is my favorite too,Celt. I still enjoyed PE 2 for what it was. lol. It's a shame 3rd Birthday didn't do better sales wise because I totally would have went ecstatic over another PE game on the "big consoles" from this generation. Then again, for S/E selling 3 million friggin copies of something is still a disappointment to them! Crazy,,just crazy.

Primal Eyes: Ben talks about all things Aya Brea!

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 05:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

What tripped me out was the rat transformation scene. I was like "Holy-Sh^t!". It probably scared me more than the arguably more terrifying opera scene. lol.

I agree the first game was the best. However, I enjoyed PE2 almost as much though it was quite different. (It helped I had liked RE and Silent Hill)

The Fifth Angel

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 05:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Somehow I'm reminded of this. If you put all this together you could end up with what's below. lol. A Dogma GTA game would be awesome sauce!

My reply to Jezebel

Posted on 06/01/2013 at 04:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm glad Romney didn't win. Granted, I don't see Obama as perfect either but at least when he's held up next to Mitt, he's angelic by comparison. lol. The problem I have with Barrack is he seems to want his nose in everyone's business and really hasn't championed us as much as he said he would. Aka, he promised he'd crack down on corrupt banking and corrupt businesses but then ended up giving all those assholes bail-out money. It also seems as if we're very close to a military-state. Hell,our privacy is already being threatened by survelliance drones.  Still, under Romney we would have suffered MUCH more. I don't know how Romney believed the crap coming out of his own mouth and I have the partial hypothesis he was a satirical "joke canidate". (Which would imply the election was rigged.)

But you're right. Being "rich & white" doesn't equate to an automatic win anymore and being poor & white is just as difficult as being poor and non-white. (Even more difficult in certain situations)

It's sad when "being middle class" is the new American dream. I know when I used to visit my grand-parents they seemed "wealthy" to me just because they had a two story house, two vehicles, and a garage in suburbia. Keep in mind I was a kid living out of a trailer at that time.

Ben's thoughts on XBox one and female butts!

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 11:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I do my part,Laz! (patriotic salute) "G.I.Buttz!"

Ys 7: First Impressions!

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 10:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

All the YS games are fun,Alejandro. It's difficult to say which one to go with first. Oath Of Felgahna and Origin play much alike but Ys 7 mixes things up in some regards. However, because each Ys story in self contained you don't have to worry about being out of order. Even if you find yourself lacking a psp Ys Origins and Oath Of Felgahna can be gotten off Steam!

Ys 7: First Impressions!

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 07:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I admit I prefer the look of Oath Of Felgahna and Origins,Chris. Still, jaggy polygons aside, this is a really great game in all other respects. Also, it looks pretty nice on the psp screen. (Especially the bosses) However, this would be an "ugly duckling" on a full scale television set. You have a valid critique!

Clearing My Head (Xbox One) and What I've Been Up To

Posted on 05/30/2013 at 07:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's all I need,bro! Games and movies! A console that watches my every move,listens in on my conversations, demands mafia compensation to play used games, and goes into a cardiac arrest without a 24 hour online check up simply creeps me out! Is this the first Terminator? Machines are revolting against us!

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