Love those harmonies! Unfortunately, I've heard a few too many bands like this, and I'm not as in love with this as you are. I prefer a bit more oomph to my symphonic music as well, a bit more like this:
Love those harmonies! Unfortunately, I've heard a few too many bands like this, and I'm not as in love with this as you are. I prefer a bit more oomph to my symphonic music as well, a bit more like this:
Each to their own. I definitely see the appeal, and this is getting a lot of mixed reviews, but it just isn't cutting it for me.
Huh. I definitely need to play them then. The only paper mario I played was on N64.
The original is pretty creepy, or at least ominous.
What's Resogun and Killzone like btw?
Hurting women makes you uneasy? Man up Ben, these feminists want equality. Punch the cunts in the face if they piss you off, just like you'd do to a man. Equality!
My criticisms: Yep. Those damn Random Encounters. They were helped by the fact that disturbed played everytime and I got my head bang on, but they were a tad excessive. That's the way of RPG Maker though I suppose.
Other than that, I'd space the dialogue out a little bit. We do get some pretty huge exposition dumps, and thought the writing is decent, sometimes less is more. What I mean is that rather than the characters saying everything at once, maybe space that dialogue out a bit more, so they say half of what they need to say at the one point, then you can walk a bit, triggering another event where they talk a bit more. Just a thought anyway, now that I've finally finished your game.
I got really addicted to this game for a little bit, then it stopped. While it's great for a bit I found nothing to really engage me. However, I definitely got my money's worth, so I guess it's a good game :)
Lollipop chainsaw is one of the few games with incredibly meh gameplay that I actually quite enjoy. Also, the beginning of Bioshock Infinite is awesome. I spent so long just taking in the sites and sounds, and I was actually disappointed when the combat started. Because the combat is terrible, boring and shite. The story is pretty good I guess.
Damn good list. I'd love to see a game where you play as Zelda as well! Actually I want to see a game where you play as a princess trapped in a castle who decides she's not going to wait for a prince and just busts out herself, using whatever she can find to aid her escape and battles. Then she can meet the prince on his way there and turn him into her bitch. I'd play the shit out of that.