I'm probably gonna get trampled for saying this but...
But in all seriousness, I'll have to say the PS2 controller.
I'm probably gonna get trampled for saying this but...
But in all seriousness, I'll have to say the PS2 controller.
YEAH, finally someone who is as intrested in XIV as me!
When the remake comes out, I'm gonna buy it day one of course. We should be in the same guild or something! (I really have no idea what I'm talking about, XIV will be my first legit MMO for me :P) I'm also really hyped for the two HD collections as well. This will be a good year for the Square fan.
The whole plot point of the character killing children is pretty cool, but what will make the story stand out is how the other characters react to it. Will the other characters trust the killer enough to agree with the justification of her actions? How does the killing affect the relationship between the player and the love intrest? Does this side of the character remain omniprescent after the incident and affect other characters actions towards her? As I said, the plot point is pretty cool, but to craft a good story, the dark side of the character can't just be plopped in the middle; it must be interwoven into the story and the characters actions.
BTW, when are you gonna give us an update about the game? How far is it in development, i'm itching to hear the details!
That neck cracking sound...
Hey, I'm 13 years old and if you're shoe and/or testacles come anywhere near me, your ass will recieve a whoopin so hard you're gonna wish youu knew where your testacles were!
Well, at least it's cheaper I guess.
When you said vanilla, this came to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog8ou-ZepE
Dem Tactics...
I attempted to play it but I sucked so I did a ragequit of sorts. I really should start it up again.
I'm in the middle of DQ 9 too,it's really great and I love all of the customization. May's gonna be slow for me gaming wise. My backlogs almost flushed out and I just want to sit and watch netflix all day on the wekends. Hopefully during the summer I can finish all of Scrubs! AHHHHH such a great show!
Basically any region in the Pokemon world!