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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 419

Blake's Thoughts on the New Arrested Development.

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 03:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

What do you mean? It makes perfect sense as to why the punch happened. It was kind of awesome.

Brokeh's late night moviehs!: SH Revelation

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 02:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

One problem I seriously have with these movies and the modern games is that they use the famous monsters and locations from the first three, and mangle them all together. NO! The reasons they were there was because they were symbolic of the protagonists fears, frustrations and desires. There should be no sexy nurses because we aren't in James' sexually frustrated and fucked up head. Likewise, we shouldn't see pyramid head waving his massive phallis around and destroying things he should care about. Same goes with other games design.

Whats wrong with turn based combat?

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 02:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love turn based combat, but cmon dude. This game wasn't suppose to be in the main series initially, and was suppose to be a spin off. The combat is essentially the same as Kingdom Hearts from the look of it, just a little flashy, and FF has always lent on girly looking guys. ALWAYS. Do you remember Resident Evil 4? Yeah, it was amazing, and I think this could be too. They're keeping turn based combat for other titles in the series, they're just trying something different for this one. And really, they're 15 titles in, they had to change shit up sometime.

Blake's Thoughts on the New Arrested Development.

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 02:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 I thought it was kinda awesome, but ending it there was a bit shit. I mean the whole making Michael a bit more villaneous this season ws kind of a great move IMO. The next time on made up for it a little bit though.

My Sony Confession

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 02:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 I wish I still had my PS3. I lost it with my Xbox, which is the main reason I'm a die hard pc gamer. It's kind of all I have atm. I really wish I could play Ni No Kuni and The Last of Us, but I don't think that will happen unfortunately.

 Also, as harsh as I am on the new Xbox, look at it this way. Last generation, Sony had a terrible launch, and they came off as the massive cocks. They also bounced back in a major way. Microsoft could do the same, and they have a really solid lineup of exclusives this year. That said, I've always preferred Sony more. It just had more games for me. Valkyria Chronicles, Demon's Souls (I love this game), Ratchet and Clank, Infamous, Disgaea and the list goes on! 

Cary's Favorite E3 News Stories (And a Rant)

Posted on 06/15/2013 at 02:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

 How many viewers does your website have? Ours got denied but we only have like 80,000 views or something like that, so it's understandable. Still, that is a shame that you didn't get to go. I think the family games should get A LOT more coverage than they do. Gaming in general needs to lose this insanely violent and sexed up image that we've been carrying around since near inception.

 I absolutely agree about the XBOX. Console cycles are long, and it could really bounce back. I mean, it was Sony who were the big evil last gen, and they bounced back in a HUGE way. However, it's more their attitude atm that is turning me off. "If you aren't rich and priveledged, F**k off!" is essentially what they're saying. 

 Also, I'm really glad the Wii-U is actually getting some games! With the likes of Bayonetta 2, a Smash Bros game and a 3D mario title, it could finally actually compete in this generation! Which would be swell, because we need the innocence of Nintendo to counter the aggression of most modern titles.

Fixes to Blog Autosaving

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 10:12 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm down with that lol.

Fixes to Blog Autosaving

Posted on 06/14/2013 at 03:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This is great news! Thank you guys!


Posted on 06/14/2013 at 12:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bayonetta has me creaming my pants too Ben. Also, apparently she's in a game...


Posted on 06/14/2013 at 12:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I know. The series is split over so many different systems though, it's ridiculous. I mean there's games on ds, iphone, psp etc. It's absurd.

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