I agree with Alex. I'd love it they brought Tales of the Abyss to the Vita so I could play it. I don't know why I read these lists for consoles I don't own. Only makes me want to spend money haha
I agree with Alex. I'd love it they brought Tales of the Abyss to the Vita so I could play it. I don't know why I read these lists for consoles I don't own. Only makes me want to spend money haha
Congrats and welcome aboard. You already have quite a fantastic collection it appears. Should keep you occupied for a while. New consoles are great.
The outspoken few will always try to bring you down. I would listen to the positive criticizm and no more. It'll only impact your mood and no good comes from that.
On a side note, I agree with you RE: Lollipop Chainsaw. So many flaws but quite a lot of fun.
I got my wife the Blu-Ray of Les Miserables for Christmas as she's a huge fan of the book and play. We haven't got around to watching it yet but i'm glad to hear it's great. Means I won't have a boring evening on the couch
I guess it's a whole years worth, but damn that's a lot of games! You've quite a few pickups that i'm very interested in getting as some stage, namely: Dragons Crown, Mass Effect Trilogy & Tales of Xillia. Many an hour right there...
I think I got it for $5 or so during a Steam sale. More than worth it.
There's actually going to be two Metal Gear Solid V. From what i've read, it seems that Ground Zeroes is going to be the prologue for The Phantom Pain which will be released in 2015. Some people are pissed but as long as both games are good, I won't care too much. Apparently though, Ground Zeroes can be beaten in 2 hours which is kinda concerning.
I started Fallout: New Vegas for the first time a few months back and it looks to have the same great sense of humor. I'm only about 90 mins in but i'll definitely play more if I can optimize in on my (not so high spec'd) computer
Haha wetting my whistle with whiskey (say that 10 times fast) on a Friday night.
Combat is similar to Dragon Age if you ever played it. It's half real time, half turn based. You line up the attacks/powers you want the character you're controlling to make and they make them in order.You only control one character at a time in combat with the remaining being controlled by AI (up to a team of three). You are able to set how they act however (i.e.are the attack minded or support, etc.). I have good time for the combat in all honesty. If I remember correctly, Jade Empires is similar also.
Nice pickups. I too want to get into the Mass Effect Series someday. They look amazing, theres just always been some other game to buy first for me. Oh and I'm super envious that you get to enjoy GS cookies already. I ordered them off a guy at work who was selling for his daughter so I have to be patient for now. Boo.