I'm all for a cheaper version (would be nice if it wasn't ugly though), but I do wonder if it is just going to confuse the parents it's targeted at. Which one you want? The 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL, or the inevitable 2DS Lite!
I'm all for a cheaper version (would be nice if it wasn't ugly though), but I do wonder if it is just going to confuse the parents it's targeted at. Which one you want? The 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL, or the inevitable 2DS Lite!
Cool, it was good to hear your opinion on this issue. I'm pretty sure I thought misogny meant objectivication before so I'm glad that was cleared up! Luckily, I'm pretty sure I've avoided using that term until now anyway.
I also think you hit on one thing I don't like about Anita that I couldn't put my finger on and that she is not, or does not seem to be, a very enthusiastic or knowledgable gamer. Like you say, she probably just is using gaming to make a name for herself. That certainly isn't doing the perception of female gamers any favours.
Breaking Bad is great. Certainly some of the best writing. if not the best, ever in a TV show. I wouldn't call it one of my favorites though because I can't be a geek with this show. It has to be sci-fi or fantasy or something for me lol I'm weird.
I had surgery on my foot over 10 years ago. Nothing serious, but nothing to take lightly either! Good to know everything's fine.
Nice artwork. Are those any specific characters you or one's you invented yourself?
Wow, nice family. Really big though. I don't know if I could handle even just one kid!
Rayman Origins is great. It's a lot like the very first game for PS1 actually. Just minus the old-school difficulty! I got all the collectables, but never got the platninum because those time trials were too much for me!
I played and finished Mega Man 9 back when it first came out. It's great. I did finish it, though I made it all the way up the final boss without using a health potion (for the achievement) but caved because the boss was too hard. Never got to MM10 because I was satisfied with 9.
I really like Western's as a setting in games so I've been meaning to give one of the Call of Juarez's a try (expect The Cartel one). For $20, it sounds like something worth looking into. And Yeah, load times can be a pain for some newer games. I think The Last of Us can take up five minutes to load. Though that game pushes the PS3 to the limit, I doubt Sims 3 does the same for your PC!
Always wanted to try Etrain Odyssey. If I get a 3DS someday it would probably be one of the first games I get.
Was there a news story that confirmed it for PS4? I have only seen that it was rumored by a former employee (though to be honest it seems quite likely at this point).