Must have got it by now eh? Hopefully, you're enjoying it. Right now, I'm typing on my laptop with a wireless keyboard... because my laptop's keyboard is fried. I'll probably have to get another new computer soon.
Must have got it by now eh? Hopefully, you're enjoying it. Right now, I'm typing on my laptop with a wireless keyboard... because my laptop's keyboard is fried. I'll probably have to get another new computer soon.
Looking at all the people from my work taking vacations you are so right that everyone is scrambling to get stuff done before the end of summer! I guess I was thinking ahead by taking mine in July. Your picnic site looks like a great place to spend a nice summer day.
And yeah, $20 is pretty much my magic number as well. It takes quite a lot to get me to spend $60 on a game, but at $20 it could be an impulse purchase!
I'm enjoying Free! I know this anime is aimed squarely at girls, but the story is pretty good and the fanservice is done in a way that it's actually kind of funny.
I'm also watching Service x Service. It's not quite as good as Working! but it is definitely for the same crowd.
One other show I'm enjoying from this season is Watamote. The whole show takes place inside the mind of a girl with no friends. I'm finding it quite funny and it has a different style of storytelling from the typical show.
Somewhere in between. I don't like games that go too over the top, because then it's just too goofy. And releastic games are often too serious and not enough emphasis on the gameplay. And much of the immersion is lost when you patching up bullet-wounds with instant med-kits!
Microsoft even pulled back on its mandatory-Kinect? Not surprising it's going to take a lot more to regain their reputation. It's like Microsoft was charged with murder and they've pleaded guilty. It helps, but they still got to serve their punishment!
It will be worth it in the end, Ben! Finishing the game I made a few years ago is one of my proudest accomplishments.
And I liked what I played last time so I look forward to the final build!
I will have to listen to this some time after I get off work. I wonder if the Austrailian voice I imagine you have is anywhere close to your real voice!
Yeah, I have watched 18 of them as well. The slow pace is probably my biggest complaint, though the cliffhangers they leave you with certainly make the wait for each new episode exciting. Apparently, there will only be 25 episodes, but I'm sure given it's popularity they will make a second series at some point.
Well, after hearing about a rumored $500 PS4/Vita bundle, I am certainly going to wait on getting a PS4. Might be worth considering for you as well!
If there's one thing I hate the most about many collector's editions, it's the statues. They are usually cheap, unattractive and generally not worth the $50-$80 they add to the price. That Origins statue does seem to be an exception though. I can imagine that looking just fine beside any other expensive superhero-figure.