I'm definitely excited, especially since November's both mine and my brother's birth month.
I'm definitely excited, especially since November's both mine and my brother's birth month.
I have the Mega Man X Collection so I'm covered as far as that goes, though I'm temped to download Mega Man Xtreme and Xtreme 2 off of the 3DS eShop. They were my introduction to Mega Man, aside from that Ruby Spears cartoon.
I ran into something similar the first time I started Dragon Quest VIII. I like the game so much, but certain points of it could've been made less difficult.
Wait, there was a game based on The Bachelor? Whoa.
I've noticed some of the same things as far as commercials go, especially how terrible people are at using common houshold items and need this new thing to make everything better.
. . . .
I think I remember that part in Thousand-Year Door, the dialogue in the Paper Mario games is usually pretty good.
That sounds like a terrible way to make a game, though they most likely just wanted as many people paying for things as possible.
Rango's one of those movies I keep forgetting about even though I was interested in watching it. I think at one point it was showing almost daily on FX and I still couldn't find the time to remember to watch.
Well that sucks, I suffer from insomnia and headaches pretty frequently too, so I know how bad that combo is. Hope everything turns out for the better soon!