Yeah, that pretty much sums up my experience with that boss. Though I lucked out and had a shield equipped that nulled one of the nastier attacks so it wasn't as bad.
Yeah, that pretty much sums up my experience with that boss. Though I lucked out and had a shield equipped that nulled one of the nastier attacks so it wasn't as bad.
I think I know the part you're describing, every time I go through it I'm a little peeved at the short amount of time that's given to complete it. Though I'm pretty sure the game moves on ahead if you can't make it in time. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience, of course. I've always finished up that part flawlessly, hehe...
Skullgirls looks like a really fun game, hope to play it eventually.
You've definitely been missing out if you haven't been playing Kirby games. I like them a bunch, a whole lot of fun to be had with 'em.
I don't think I'd be able to get the hang of touchscreen phone games, I'd probably be more likely to drop it due to my butterfingers than do well.
I still haven't seen the new Captain America yet, so it's on my list. As well as Amazing Spider-Man 2 and a couple others I can't recall.
If only there was a way to set up a PSN account without having a PS3/4/Vita. If there was at least I could pay for games until I was able to afford a system and be set when I got one.
I like Spider-Man 3 well enough, though some of the cheesier moments in the film are a little annoying even to me.
I don't follow sports that much but it always sucks when a team you want to win doesn't.
I played Thousand-Year Door without the help of a guide when it first came out (or Internet for that matter since I didn't get my first laptop until about a year or two later), though I spent a large amount of play-time wondering where to go next to make the story move forward.