If I were to make a bold prediction (see what I did there with the font? LOL), I would probably predict Microsoft is going to fail incredibly hard with this console. I know that I won't be buying an X1 simply for Privacy concerns as well as the idea of actually owning a game (The X1's system to me sounds like a permanent rental ideal, not cool..). BUT, much like a phoenix, Microsoft is going to fall and go up in flames, only to rise from the ashes born anew.
So basically my prediction is this:
Microsoft will fail undoubtably. But they're MS afterall, so I'm going to guess that they'll be the quickest of 'em all to usher in a next-next-gen console. Just my thoughts though, take it as you will!!
As for the Backlog; I finally beat Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and I started working on Space Marine, 40,000. But I back-tracked a bit and started to play Bioshock Infinite again in hopes of wrapping up all of the achievements.