Sweet! I would like a World Ends With You book or sequel too. Great game. I need to play it again.
Sweet! I would like a World Ends With You book or sequel too. Great game. I need to play it again.
this looks like a beautiful game that shows off the next gen style. I would love to play it once I get a PS4. Gonna buy a copy of it for my brother for his bday.
I'm curious about Guild Wars, but I need a new PC before I can embark into any new PC games. My computer is having problems.
I am torn about Dark Souls. It seems like a lot of fun, but I'm kind of frazzled and don't have the patience right now for such an intense game. I really liked the first two, and this one seems great, but I dunno. Maybe once I get a new PC I'll get the PC version.
I'm pretty hyped about the news smash too. I was so-so about it before the Nintendo Direct, but now I'm quite excited. It looks really fun.
I dream about reading stuff a lot.
arg, I need to see this so bad!
what i liked about the first one is how connected the world was. it was genius level design. It's too bad this one isn't like that, but I understand why you can't do that all the time.
yeah I'm not good at dealing with people. But I'm good dealing with trees!
The Sega Master system is actually THE system to own for those old lightgun games. That console had a lot of them, and really good ones too. I have a SMS, and I had a lightgun and a bunch of the games back about ten years ago, but they got lost in time.
I really want to finish Ni No Kuni too. I like that game, but the battle system doesn't do it for me. I like everything else about it though.