Thats lame, this game looks to be one of the most unique FPS to come out in a while.
Thats lame, this game looks to be one of the most unique FPS to come out in a while.
Gawd! I can't do favorites! Alright, off the top of my head I'd have to say Lunar Silver Star Story & Eternal Blue, Final Fantasy VII & IX, Alundra, Suikoden 1&2, Breath of Fire 3, and Grandia.
Still kicking myself for not keeping my copy of Saga Frontier. Gonna have to track some of these down.
THE SWORD ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE BANDS! So underrated, retro metal at its finest.
Microsoft should just rename it the Sega CD 2 and start looking for coffins, this thing is already DOA.
Yeah the stylus should have been optional or at the very least used for just a few specific tasks. To me its just akward as hell to do everything with the stylus. The only games I have that make practacle use of the stylus are Advanced Wars Days of Ruin and Final Fantasy Tactics Grimoire of the Rift.
I have always just gone where the games I want to play are. In all fairness Sony had its share of technical issues with both the PS2 and PS3 when they first released, but not even close to the quality issues the Xboxes repeatedly had. And there are several exclusives on the 360 I hope to one day play. But this new system is a joke.
Not an Xbox guy so I'm not really sweating it, I almost find it funny actually. These guys really do live in a different reality from us and its going to cost them.
I alway hated that tlc song. A lay about slaker is one thing, but it drifts too far into the realm of if your poor don't bother me. Which puts them into red light territory. And my response to that kind of shallowness can only be sumed up by one of the greatest lines of all time, "Your not your fucking Khakis ! "
Oh and nice booty pic!
Yeah thats pretty sad about Metroid. The puzzles are pretty logical, plus usually a little expirimenting and or backtracking will get you back on track. Also very excited about Tales of Xillia (even though I still need to finish Graces!) and Dark Souls 2.
The other side of this "please the Masses, not the core audience" coin is this talk of more people playing on portable devices vs console. I really like my DS but I hardly play it. I prefer to play on a console. I can use netflix on my PS3, but thats maybe 10% of the use, the other 90% is on games. Alternate uses are a nice bonus but they are not the core purpose of a GAMING CONSOLE. Apparently Microsoft has lost touch with just who their clientel actually are. But sadly some folks are born suckers for gimmickrey and smoke & mirrors showmanship.
PS2 dual shock. I don't like how the R2 and L2 on the PS3 controller are kind of curved under and have too much slack movement. Runner up would be the Gamecube controller. Worst would be original PS1 controller, d-pad was just stiff . runner up xbox, buttons too stiff, akward shape.