Was this before or after Furgeson? As of this moment most police are not looked on too kindly, moreso if that person is black or of the police at the moment are wearing military gear.
Was this before or after Furgeson? As of this moment most police are not looked on too kindly, moreso if that person is black or of the police at the moment are wearing military gear.
Sorry but I don't know. I'm kinda behind on my portables before the PSP.
I still need this game, but then again I'm still trying to get a feel for Dark Souls. One Soul game at a time I guess.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm...silent hill.......
download history is my best friend. Despite this I am fearful to delete any titles that are no longer offered on XBLA. I'm looking at you TMNT arcade
Despite my vacation, I still heard of this on my twitter feet 3 hrs after the news broke. I never dawned on me that he would do such a thing. Still trying to come to terms wiht it, even with the additional infor and the vile attacks against his daughter Zelda on SN.
what a weird way to fix a glitch.
about time you got D&D. can't get enough of that old school beatem ups! I missed out on the last sales since my extra reserves of cash dried up. I ended up giving up on New Vegas myself. I haven't even beat the game yet due it it always freezing or glitching every now and then. I still want to play some of those DLC packs that came with it.
I wish I could've bought some of the more recent sales like the capcom sale. Been wanting some of those games =(
Ouch. PC gaming can be such a pain! Hope they fix it soon.
I think there are two sets of standards when it comes to content that is graphically violent and graphically sexual. As violent americans we can handle graphic violence than graphic sexual. It's just the stigma that one faces when they do such things. part of the territory. I'm sure the makers of the walking dead get talked to about their violent creations, not as much as those that do the graphic sex thing. But then again I never thought to ask porn directors how they are treated.
didn't touch any of those movies. the break down sounds like I may not get into these movies this go around. Looks like another netflix wait time.