Luke's 2009 Game of the Year Awards
Luke gives us his thoughts on the best titles that were released in 2009 on all platforms.
PSP PlayStation Network
Game of the Year: Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman! What Did I Do to Deserve This?
Badman is one of the most unique titles released this year. You have to build up an empire of monsters in order to defeat the invading heroes that try to capture the Overlord. The unique aspect is that the environment you create is essentially a whole ecosystem and a complex food chain system where monsters you create have to eat nutrients or weaker monsters in order to survive and procreate.
Runner-Up: PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe
PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe takes all the content from the PS3 version of PixelJunk Monsters and Encore to the PSP. If you are addicted to the PS3 version then you will be able to satisfy that addiction on-the-go. While I'm generally tired of tower defense titles, Monsters is the exception to the rule since I find the game provides a superior experience when compared to other titles in the genre.
Honorable Mention:
LocoRoco Midnight Carnival