Not that familiar with Spawn, other than the movie. Aside from a few very badly done CG effects, I thought it was okay.
Not that familiar with Spawn, other than the movie. Aside from a few very badly done CG effects, I thought it was okay.
Never played the game, but I still have the poster featuring it that came with an old issue of EGM.
Not a furry, and honestly whatever a person wants to do with their personal time is none of my business.
Feel no shame in admitting I own the complete box set of The Powerpuff Girls. Though the 'complete' moniker is a little out of date, what with that new special that was on about a month ago.
Those toys look great! Wish I had the money to spend on a few of them.
Solitaire is one of my favorites, even though I've lost way more games than I've won.
Data entry actually, spent a lot of time staring at databases and filing-in/correcting information.
I've never been to a fair, I'd love to go to one sometime.
That Star Wars comic sounds pretty interesting.
I like ideas 1 and 4, don't have any ideas myself unfortunately.
I'm about halfway through A Feast for Crows, I've got to hunker down and finish it so I can catch up.