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bullet656's Comments - Page 15

BaD: Day One: Movies to Look Forward To

Posted on 02/04/2014 at 11:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Of the ones you listed, I'm most looking forward Noah, Nymphomaniac, The Grand Budapest Hotel, and possibly the new X-Men.  Like you, I am a big follower of directors (and writers).  I still need to see the latest Coen Brothers movie.  I'm not really sure what else I'm going to want to see, mostly because I usually find out about movies after they are already out.  Probably the Sin City Movie.  I'm also hoping the new Robocop will be good, but I don't really have my hopes up for it. 

I actually really like the Darjeeling Limited.  To be honest, at first I wasn't sure what to think about it, but the more times I watched it (probably 4 times now), the more I loved it.  The same thing happend with The Life Aquatic.

I have mixed feelings about Cloud Atlas.  I like the Wachowskis well enough, but I was more excited about Tykwer being a co-director.  I think my expectations were just too high. 

Edit.  Holy crap, just scanned your list again and saw PT Anderson's Inherent Vice.  I had no idea he had another movie coming out soon.  Another must see.

DmC Devil May Cry Reboot.

Posted on 01/28/2014 at 08:45 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I played through the first three Devil May Cry games and thought they were alright, but never understood why people thought they were so great.  I actually enjoyed the new one and had more fun with it than with the others, but still didn't think it was much better than an average game.  Personally, I liked Dante in the new one much more than the old version of him.

The Last of Us - What I don't Like.

Posted on 01/23/2014 at 02:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I highly enjoyed the game, but I tend to agree that they could have cut some of the length down and I would have been fine with it.  I felt similar to you about the tunnel near the end of the game.  I was kind of annoyed when I realized that I had to go through it before actually making it to the hospital.

But I can't really fault companies for putting padding in a game.  I've read too many reviews and message board comments about games being too short and from people that stated they weren't willing to pay for a game if it is not at least a certain length.

Thomas Was Alone: A Review

Posted on 01/23/2014 at 01:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really enjoyed this game.  You should defintely play it again someday with the sound on.  I think you really missed out by not even knowing about it having a narrator until near the end.  The puzzles themselves are enjoyable, but in my opinion the narratation is what made this game so charming.

The Legend of Zelda Review

Posted on 12/16/2013 at 08:32 AM | Filed Under Review

I loved this game.  I still remember how jealous I was when my parents bought it for my cousin for Christmas when I didn't even have a NES yet.  Not too long later one of my neighborhood friends got it and a few of us would go over to his house and play it every day after school.  When I finally got a NES it was one of the first games I got.

It really is a great game.  Although A Link to the Past would go on to become my favorite Zelda game, I don't think it's possible to praise the original too much.  It was just so original and opened up a world of exploration like nothing that came before it.

Bought a 3DS XL!

Posted on 12/14/2013 at 04:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Congrats!  It's exciting getting a new system.  I just got one last week too, and have  never had any type of DS before.  I also got it with a Link Between Worlds, but it just came with the game and wasn't the special edition 3DS.  There are so many games I want now.  I'm already playing zelda and love it.  Between games I've already ordered for myself or that I know I'm getting for Christmas, I'll also soon be getting Mario and Luigi, Super Mario 3D Land, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton, 999, Etrian Odyssey Millenium Girl, and Phoenix Wright.  I think they will keep me busy for awhile, but there's probably at least a couple dozen more that I want.

According to the Salvation Army Gay Parents Deserve Death

Posted on 12/10/2013 at 08:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I also find it strange that many Christinas are so fixated on homosexuality, while ignoring most of the other old testament rules and laws.  All sins are supposedly equal in the eyes of god.  But then people bring up the (biblically true) argument that when jesus came he wiped out the out laws and you were just suppoed to follow his teachings.  Oddly enough, he didn't ever directly speak about homosexuality.  Some people bring up Matthew 19 where he talks about making a man and woman one by marriage, but it is actually a passage about divorce, and ironically saying that it is not allowed unless your wife cheats on you (which for some reason isn't nearly as big of a deal to them as gay marriage).

I'm not a Christian, but was brought up as one. I hate religion, all of them.  But there are plenty of good people that also happen to be religious and I won't judge someone based solely on that.  I just find it really annoying when someone uses their religion to justify their own dislike or hatred, but are perfectly willing to ignore the teachings that they don't like or agree with.

Silent Hill HD collection - Silent Hill 2

Posted on 12/05/2013 at 12:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That sucks to hear.  I've still been planning on buying it as some point, since I've never played SH 3, and although I have SH2 I no longer have a working PS2.

I wish they'd just release the PS2 versions on the PSN, but they probably never will due to wanting to sell the HD versions.

What is better than a brand new PS4? (it's Zelda)

Posted on 12/03/2013 at 03:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm been wanting a 3DS for a long while, but this is the game that finally made me break down and buy one.  A Link to the Past is one of my favorite games of all time and the thought of a sequel just made me too excited.  I ordered it on black friday, and I should have it in a couple days.  I can't wait!


Posted on 12/03/2013 at 09:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I just read a review this morning for a new Black Flag album.  I don't really follow music news, so I had no idea one was in development.  The review wasn't too good, but I'm going to have to check it out anyways.

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