Funny, I saw microsoft as the corporate "dark-side" this generation. Then again, the PS4 is sleek & onyx....just like Darth Vader!
Funny, I saw microsoft as the corporate "dark-side" this generation. Then again, the PS4 is sleek & onyx....just like Darth Vader!
Ah, I don't buy it completely. By "it" I mean the spew that women cannot enjoy comic books and video games as they are right now. However, I admit I've been luckier than most in befriending females who enjoy the same stuff I enjoy. Aka, they like dragons,fire balls, pointy metal things, guns,zombies, and sexy scantily clad sorceresses just as much as the rest of us do.
As for Anita, just watch her tropes series. She comes off as someone who played games merely to support her skewed arguments as opposed to someone who grew up with games and loved them all her life. I don't hold her gender against her but when she says things like "legos are sexist" and that Princess Peach is a negative helpless damsel stereotype (Despite the fact Peach has her own game in which she saves Mario) it's difficult for me to sympathize with her. Many of her arguments are weak straw-men.
For the record, trolls attack everyone. To a feminist they'll say "Get back to the kitchen" and to me they'll say "Hey dude why are you a basement virgin in your 30s? Have a small penis that can't get it up?". Their maliciousness isn't limited to women who play games, really.
All that said, I do believe female geeks get grilled harder in the geek community than male geeks. Aka, when a female geek is wrong about a single stupid trivial fact or dislikes a popular game the majority approves of, fan boys rage out of control and call her a big fat "faker". In all my years as a gamer and nerd no one has questioned my authenticity. I bet that would be drastically different if I had tits and a vagina though. Making it more difficult for females to be geeks & gamers is very counterproductive because otherwise it's a sweaty nerd den sausage fest. (No thanks)
As for "female-centric-games" what would they be? We already have many games with tough and capable female protagonists but even then "someone" will bitch about something. Also, what about female gamers who really enjoy stuff like Farm-ville and Cooking mama? Are they part of the problem just because they like "stereotypical gurly games" that are somehow blatantly sexist? (Aka,assigned gender roles! Oh noez, Cooking Mama is tellin wimmenz to go back to teh kitchen! Patriarchy conspiracy confirmed!)
My point is females are a diverse demographic as varied as our own. I don't think there is one right way to make games that would appeal to "all women". Some female gamers like Gears Of War 3 and some of them like Dance Dance Revolution. Good luck hitting a sweet spot that pleases a whole gender. Even as guys we cannot agree on games we universally approve of! Does every "bro" dig Madden,COD, and Halo? Yes, many do but I certainly don't nor do most of my same gendered buddies.
People that spend their whole lives looking for negativity are gonna find it because they trick their own minds into seeing it even if it is not actually there.
It's longer but still reasonable,Jeff. Aka, I wouldn't say it's as long as Skyrim on Persona 4. However, it is a lot more meaty than other Ys games so you're right there.
Married With Children was a great parody show. lol. I think it was designed to mock all the "perfect family sitcoms" of its' day. Al is the man!
Of course Sony wants money. No company is entirely altruistic,Nick. lol. However, I don't think they "changed everything at the last minute" just to appease us. To me it seemed to be their plan to be more consumer friendly from the get-go and to sit back and watch MS shoot itself in the foot.
Assuming sony originally designed its' console to be like the Xbox one would require ALOT of alterations at the last minute to advertise it as it is now. They really did not have that kind of grace period. (Thus my hypothesis the PS4 was mostly the same before its' big reveal)
However, you're smart to go pc. A pc is easily upgraded and maintained. That and the prices for decent pcs aren't quite as ridiculous as they used to be.
I agree, sony has my alliance. They're keeping it solid and old school whereas I feel as if microsoft has went off the deep end.
It's too bad Mel turned out the way he did. Or maybe deep down he always was a bit that way but was better at hiding it in the past. Regardless, a Road-Warrior game is a great friggin idea! I'm surprised we didn't have this pitched to us sooner as well.
Awesome sauce! Blue bomber is back!
I didn't mean to be so blunt,Andrew. By and large I'm not a rabid fanboy. It's just ms is so anti-consumer, anti indie,anti independant retailer, and anti privacy at this point I can't make excuses for them anymore. I love my 360 but there's no way I could ever support something like the Xbone.
Me not buying an Xbone is almost a moral obligation at this point. Aka, do I want to support anti privacy acts infringing upon our constitutional rights as Americans? Do I want to support anti-consumer policies robbing us of our ability to actually "own" games? Do I want to see Mom & Pop game stores fail in our already shitty economy putting even more good folks out of work and out on the street? Do I want to see indie game developers get cut off and get shafted?
No microsoft,just no. You are a mockery and anti-thesis of every principle I hold dear to my heart.