That reminds me, I need to clean out my shopping cart on PSN, I think I have five or six games on there that I can't buy given I only have .99 in my wallet.
That reminds me, I need to clean out my shopping cart on PSN, I think I have five or six games on there that I can't buy given I only have .99 in my wallet.
I hope someone writes a book about all of this to see exactly what was going on in the minds of microsoft employees that had a hand in creating the Xbox One's policies and reversals. I'd read it.
and the rest we can say is history....
that's the thing: we don't actually know if that game will have an online pass. it's why I chose that game for my "online pass watch" feature write ups, I picked a bunch of games from last years E3 that I was generally intetested in to see if they would end up with an online pass system at launch. And since ffXIII-2 got DLC, it was a possibility in my minds eye. that reminds me I need to finish up my write ups on gow: judgement and bioshock infinite
Amen! All of this shouldn't come as a shock to anyone given the hints you reminded us on. Just goes to show that if one does not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
Thought about getting one of those. But I keep hearing it can't play certain games like Castlevania III. Still get your retro anyway you can!
and that's why I don't have auto update turned on. Or PS+ for that matter. Thanks for the heads up though. Sony 2 for 2 now when it comes to crippling updates yes?
Now I understand! Didn't realize you really, really enjoyed The Last of Us. that's what I get for being so far behind in my messages on here
Not much of a PC gaming so this really doesn't affect me. Plus I don't think I have any friends on Steam
Why isn't this a webseries yet? Or atleast on hulu?