I hate to sound narrow-minded and pretentious but "zombies" are the only way to get me to play COD, James. lol.
I haven't checked out COD: Zombies yet but if they're anything like Left 4 Dead I'd probably dig them!
I hate to sound narrow-minded and pretentious but "zombies" are the only way to get me to play COD, James. lol.
I haven't checked out COD: Zombies yet but if they're anything like Left 4 Dead I'd probably dig them!
I wish Arcana Heart 3 released on the 360! I loved the first game that was released on the PS2 with Atlus's help. It's a bit "moe" but that doesn't detract from the fact it's also a very good fighting game series. I ended up maining with Lilica primarily!
I find it odd if the outside public still thinks of gaming as a kid's hobby. Most gamers seem to be in there 20's,30's,40's, and even 50's. At this point can they really claim to be ignorant to the truth or do they "choose" to deny the truth? I cannot help but to sway towards the later theory.
They really don't,Matt! I also agree Hardware had a bitchin soundtrack!
I'm sure the big companies will pull their usual hustle. I guess that's fine on account I'm not entirely reliant on the biggest companies for my gaming entertainment. I have choices! If one company dicks me I'll go to another one.
I honestly was not too infatuated with "classic Lara" when the original TR games came out. Anniversary and GOL changed that somewhat. I also bought a Tomb-Raider/Witch-Blade cross over comic but it was more due to my obsession for Sara Pezinni!
In general it's kind of hard to handle an action hero or action heroine without some inconsistencies. They're suppose to be larger than life so even if writers want to humanize them they also have to be good at "ass kicking" and "survival" on account that's what they were created to do in the first place.
Jeanne is in Warriors Orochi 3 as well. She's a pretty good character who uses a halberd for range and she can also make it rain spears from the sky!
Historically she's one of my favorite heroines!
I'm hoping Disney will see 1313 as profitable enough to continue. The game did seem like a darker tinted looking glass mirror into the Star Wars universe and I found that to be very intriguing!
I'll be getting Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge next month. Should be fun! At some point I also want to snag Revengence and DMC.
I liked "Chasing Amy" too. It was a romantic comedy without falling into the mediocre traps of most other romantic comedies.