Happy Veterans Day.
Happy Veterans Day.
I had to go thru that myself when I returned back to the greatness that was the Nebraskan Midwest. I lost most of my comics and video game mags and the rest I don't remember anymore. I think it's my mind trying to save me from the heartache.
I was able to find my metal box of micro machine star ships whichw as a real treat. Though I have most of them stored in my basement inside plastic totes, I still plastic bagged them for fear of possible mold. You never know. Atlast you were able to salvage some precious memories.
I'm still waiting for halo 2 Anniversary to be released on Xbox 360.
It's my hope that the MC collection won't sell good enough on the Xbox One so 343 will have to help recoup losses by releasing H2A on Xbox 360.
I know it's a stretch but one can hope....
Ouch man. I just don't know what else to say after moments like that.
Usually that's when I just go back home, put in a violent game and release some pent up frustrations about the world.
;Glad it's over.
I've always wanted to give those kind of flashback packs a try. I've seen them off and on in ,my travels. but at the same time I'm told they don't quite hold up exactly to the original offerings found on their respective consoles. And given that I wasn't that big into those kind of games has always made me change my mind.
But just the same it stll makes me curuious if they do indeed sound/play like they did or if they were just shotty ROMs of the games themselves.
I hear you there. I got my folks trying to suggest I repipe my home after we learned it was all done PVC and not metal wise. I wouldn't even know to begin!
I had a feeling I might not like this game. Try as I might but when I tried to play those two titles you aforementioned I just couldn't get into them. And this isn't because I'm not a total fan of SRGPs or JRPGs or SJRPGs. I enjoyed The Shining Force Series and Lunar. But when it comes to overall SJRPGs they just don't do it for me. It's a shame too because it sounds like this game's story is intruging.
How dare you! You dare buy a game ubber xheap and not pay the full price thus ensuring the developer doesn't get all they are due?!?!?!
I hope your happy! Have you not heard, whenever you buy a game used brings the gaming industry one step closer to complete and utter and total and through and ultimate and epic and terrible gaming collapse?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
yeah I didn't buy that arguement either. Sweet Score! It's why I have a hard timet rying to buys something when I know it'll be cheaper in the future months or even more cheaper many months later. It's even worse with digital titles. Right now PSN is having a Sonic Sale and though Sonic 4 episode 1 and 2 are only 7.49, it makes me wonder if it'll go lower to $5 alter. Decisions decisions.
I'dgive it a second look myself but I think I might be too late and I don't think my PC has enough memory for it. Desktop or netbook.
I'm with you when it comes to LImbo and the death scenes. My "Little One" still can't bring herself to play ti after seeing the littel boy getting impaled by the spider leg. I myself was intrugied.
Good thing I'm not one for The Legend of Korra so the game itself dodesn't bother me too much.
Still way behind in my movie watching, trying to get caught up with what is being offered on netflix right now.