Yeah the head of the AT-AT is really snug.
Good stuff on the sliders. I'm starting to check the local Ross once a week, just to see what other new stuff they have.
Yeah the head of the AT-AT is really snug.
Good stuff on the sliders. I'm starting to check the local Ross once a week, just to see what other new stuff they have.
I am a Graphic Designer.
Good stuff man! I need to get back into Saints Row. That game is fun, but I haven't powered up my 360 in a couple of weeks.
Hmmm, the first thing that popped into my head would have to be in Pro Wrestling. I haven't watched much in years, but in college and a couple of years after I would root for the bad guys because they were more intertaining. Of course it also helped that while in school the big wrestlers were nWo, and the Attitude Era of WWE where the Anti-Heroes were the faces of the business.
From what I've seen now, it's gone back to the same old storylines that I grew up with, but now I have stayed with rooting for the bad guys.
Its a shame that news outlets do this. I guess they could hide behind the fact that they always need to post some new content but it doesn't take that much effort into fact checking your sources and info on your work.
Breaking Bad is one show I have never got sucked into. I hear its really good, yet I won't watch. Odd.
Those new iPod Touch's are really nice.
Hell yeah man, congrats on the A! Hopefully some folks did invite you to some free food.
Hmm, I played some Plundernauts, cooked some steak with some new seasoning (it wasn't good, and I'm sticking with good old salt n' peppper), and I went into Marathon Mode of Top Chef Season 11.
I haven't played any of those games but I do know people went nuts when FF VII was released so play that game.