'bout what you'd expect from a 2d Mario and by that I mean it's fun.
'bout what you'd expect from a 2d Mario and by that I mean it's fun.
I really should play this game. I bought I used copy years ago but never got around to checking it out.
I think I'm done with M$. I buy game consoles to play games. I'm not interested in having them do anything else. I also like to buy used games and back when there were still bricks and mortar rental outlets I liked to rent them too.
The journey they embark on now is a perilous one but what they are counting on is that there are enough kids who have consumed the Microsoft Kool-Aid plus the casuals who want to dance around in front of their TV while yelling at it to make this thing a success.
Sadly, they might just be right, but they'll do it without my money.
Yeah Psychonauts is hilarious and an overall great game to boot. So is RE: Revelations and it looks pretty damn good even on the 3DS.
That's how long it took before I picked up the first Xbox. This gen I fear they will only pander to the lowest common denominator which other than certain multiplat "Western" RPGs counts me and indeed most of us out.
I came in here looking for Metal Monday and then realized it is indeed Tuesday. We in the Great White North had the day off yesterday for Victoria Day and it has fucked up my whole week. Anyway I shall listen through my new AKG headphones wot I got for mi birfday which is the same day as Queen Victoria's (May 24th). Now I shall leave you to ponder why we celebrate Vicky and me's day of birth a week before it actually happens. Canadians is the cwaziest peoples.
Unless by "fun games I want to play" you mean FPS's like Halo and Call of Duty, Bromance games like Gears of War or yet another Fable I'm afraid you're out of luck Cary.
Oh I forgot yearly repainting of the same old sports games.
The thing is a big yawn.
Yep, let's talk about FF IX. I love that game. Far more interesting than the Xbox None.
Oh yeah, Vivi Rules! That is all.
Very sad that cancer took another rock icon. Ray will live on as long as we have Doors records to listen to.
Did you play Barker's Undying for PC. Well worth a look and probably dirt cheap. BRB.............. Yep! 5.99 on GOG.