I only played this a little bit through emulation, but I liked it, and definitely want to try it out sometime. I wish modern games had cover art like that.
I only played this a little bit through emulation, but I liked it, and definitely want to try it out sometime. I wish modern games had cover art like that.
I found out about Kyuss from Guitar Hero Metallica of all places.
Maybe you should have put spoiler warnings about what Kefka does? FF 6 was the first rpg I ever played, and still one of my favorites. I didn't like it that much at first. It was weird having to read all this text. (that probably sounds idiotic, but I was 12)
I hear ya man. I had to replace the 72 PIN in my NES, but it works like brand new now. Looking at that grey box is like looking at my childhood lol. I don't know if Uprising is on XBLA since I don't have a 360, but it's on PSN, so it might be.
I'm sorry to hear you get sick Pete. My cousin gets like that too. There are some FPS games I can play fanatically, but those are mostly older ones.
I have Ms. Pac-Man on Genesis. That's a great port that has some neat options you can enable. I really liked the DX version of Pac-Man too.
I never could get into Tales games either. I'm just too damn picky when it comes to rpgs. I figure if your gonna invest that much time into something it better be great.
I feel like I said too much already... but I'm glad your enjoying it Alex. I need to start reading again. Sometimes I have to be motivated or force myself. It's taking me FOREVER to finish this Star Wars book.
I got Unepic off GOG. I really like it. The only thing I don't like is that your character is so small and it can be dark at times which makes it kinda hard to see.
Ninja Gaiden is a great game. Definitely one of my favorites on NES. It has caused me endless amounts of frustration though. Those damn birds!!!
Ah well. One of these days...