Posted on 02/03/2015 at 08:56 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
I'm a huge fan of Dark Souls, and while I like the first one more, I still had a great time with Dark Souls 2.
I was concerned after first reading about the depleting health, but in actual practice I didn't find it that bad. In fact, I think it made me better at the game. If I was on a boss that I was having difficulty with, I'd keep practicing until I could almost beat it with half health, then I would just use an effigy and destroy them. Also, I was already kind of used to the health thing with Demon Souls. I also ended the game with plenty of leftover effigies, but I admit that was because I was so conservative, which did cause me some stress throughout the game.
I can understand the concern with the disappearing enemies, but I actually used that to my advantage too. Sometimes I would purposely go to areas with large numbers of enemies, kill them all, run back to the bonfire, then repeat. This would both help me with leveling up and then make my progress easier once they disappeared.
I do completely agree that the world was nowhere near as good as it was in the first one. I loved how the world was so interconnected in DS1. DS2 did just seem like a collection of levels with a hubworld. I guess in that way it was also similar to Demon Souls, it just tried to hide it a little more.