Halo: Reach. My brothers and I would get together on a fairly regular basis and play splitscreen online. It was a blast.
A runner-up would have to be Destiny's PvP mode, Control. There was just something that stood out for me.
Halo: Reach. My brothers and I would get together on a fairly regular basis and play splitscreen online. It was a blast.
A runner-up would have to be Destiny's PvP mode, Control. There was just something that stood out for me.
I actually just picked up a copy of bothe Jet Force Gemini and Body Harvest a week or so ago. Now I just need to set up the N64.
There is probably a bunch of stuff on the PSOne that was pure crap that I played, and worse enjoyed... Duke Nukem Forever is the first game to come to mind though. I knew it was going to be bad, but thanks to GameStop's "rental" service I bought it for $12 used and returned it the next day. That game was pure crap.
I have a crapton of Genesis games. Those I picked up from the local thrift shop, along with three different systems.
It was Funco I think. On the bright side, that credit went towards a copy of A Link to the Past, which is possibly at the top of my all-time favourite games.
I definitely fall on the camp of mechanics. A story can help me overlook the issues that I have with a games mechanics. Which is why I am the weird one who likes Bioshock 2, a lot.
I don't have a Wii U, but I still want a Samus amiibo.
I am going to have to jump on Supreme Blue Rose whenever the trade comes out. Warren Ellis is my favourite writer.
We had inherited a massive NES collection when I was younger, but most of that was sold off to whatever GameStop was before. I went back and picked up a copy of a couple of my favourite games over the years. My NES collection currently consists of Journey to Silius, Nija Gaiden, Simon's Quest and Tecmo Bowl.
I remember playing this as a flash game way back when. I had a blast, for the hour or two that I spent with it.