Im with ^^^ James
Im with ^^^ James
Zombies: Do you play any of the Zombie mini games on the Call of Duty games? I bought all the Zombie games but I rarely play them, but they are pretty fun.
I plan on one day buying a 3DS. because I want a handheld and I want a Vita but sometimes I think I would like to play some Nintendo games.
I played the demo and it seemed pretty good. I have yet to find me the Air combat game I've been looking for. I've played all the demos and I cant decide which one I want. ILL Sturmovick was pretty good....the demo anyway.
Blog Idea: do like they do on news shows and radio....On this day 10 years ago Cary was playing...???? and reading??? and watching ??? I would do that but i cant remember what I was playing yesterday!
Tangerine Dream: now thats a band I havent heard of in a long fact I had forgotten about them.
When or are you going to buy a next this-gen console? 360?
MUD.... I want to buy MUD! hahahahah
I wont always be online...I wont buy the system. And they can deal with it.
And I am a sony Fanboy but Im with you, I dont want any system to fail. Competition is good for everyone.