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Celebrating Five Years of PixlBit

The staff of PixlBit commemorates five years of the site.

Travis Hawks Celebrates Five Years of PixlBit

Hey, PixlBit, you sonuvabitch! Yeah, man, you!

Nick told me I should come talk to you about your five years online, and so here I am, talking to you about you… you. Yeah, I’ve had a few, so what? Nick finally ponied up to buy us some drinks, and Jesse won’t drink Natty Light, so I’m having his too. You’ve gotta take advantage of these sitchu… sithcu… things when they come along, man.

Anyway, guey, we’ve known each other for a while and I can’t believe I’m still part of the site after so long. Remember when I started? I was just trying to find a place to give me stuff to write back in twenty eleven? Man, who knew I’d still be here after all this time. Especially after Matt R eviscimicated my first review during the editing process. It’s cool, though, cuz now we chat online and stuff and he’s cool and cool.

Now that we got a bunch of rad people from 1up and other places over here, the site is a lot different than when I started, and especially different since the start of everything. I love these guys, man! There can be some seriously negative stuff going on with gamers and on other sites and things, but here, man, here… everybody is cool. Some people freak out some times and get mad, but everyone’s cool so we just talk and stuff and it’s cool.

So, what I’m trying to say, P-B, is I really like you. Yeah, you gave me a lot of stress sometimes, but I got to play a lot of games I would have never even thought about, and I got to talk to some indie devs, and play some games long before they were released. I’ve made out pretty good, dude, I can’t complain.

No matter what happens to you, make sure you stick around. These guys, they need this place to talk to each other. They need you! I need you! Don’t go nowheres, OK, P-B? We love you, man!

14 Pages «  2   3   4  »



Captain N

09/24/2014 at 04:54 PM

As a 1up survivor, I too was looking for a new place to call home while frantically trying to save my blogs. I'm just glad I was able to call this place my new internet home. Alot of the people I knew from 1up move here so I was glad I was able to see some familiar faces, but I met some new ones as well. I'll write something about this hopefully today so I'll keep this short. But congrats Pixlbit and congrats everyone!


09/27/2014 at 08:36 PM

Pretty much my experience too. Turned out that Pixlbit was pretty rad, so it worked out for the best. :D

I think the coolest thing about the place is that after being gone for a year or so due to various things and whatnot, I come back and the place is still the same. Same great staff, same great community--along with some new faces--and it's just as welcoming as it ever was. I'd like to say that I never doubted it, but I did. This is one of the rare times I'm glad to have been wrong.


09/24/2014 at 06:36 PM

Happy Birthday Pixlbit Cool

I suppose I could stick around and bother you guys for even longer.

Here's to another five years of M-117 dropping walls of text to tell you things that could definitely be articulated better in less than half the space by a better writer.

P.S.  Golf got no limits. PGA Tour 15 is still the truth.

Our Take

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

09/24/2014 at 10:40 PM

One thing that needs to be mentioned more publicly than in this comment section, is how much we owe to you, Michael117. I think there were a few other rumblings around 1up from people thinking of coming here, but as far as I could tell, we mainly owe our transferred community to you. Just look at these final two blogs over at (the very unstable 1up). Somehow we got a great cheerleader for PixlBit long before 1up shut down, and things wouldn't be the same at all without your kind words at a crucial time.

Thanks, Mikey! Keep the walls of text coming, we love 'em.


09/24/2014 at 07:02 PM

Happy 5th Pixlbit. I'm happy to be a part of this community. Great people, great (if often silly) conversation. :)

Vice's Assistant

09/24/2014 at 08:27 PM

I'm still very happy I came to PixlBit. Its wonderful place to be at. I regret that I haven't been on here as much because my 3rd shift job and schedule are so irregular the last few years. Still I do try to check on it daily, and I'm happy to see it thriving.


09/24/2014 at 09:42 PM

Happy birthday Pixlbit....this is indeed an amazing group of people we have here.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

09/24/2014 at 10:40 PM


Super Step Contributing Writer

09/24/2014 at 11:11 PM

Happy 5th Anniversary Pixlbit! Just in time for Nintendo's 125th! Coincidence? I think so!

Julian Titus Senior Editor

09/24/2014 at 11:19 PM

I have one other regret: that we will apparently never know who won the Shitty Game Review Contest.


09/25/2014 at 12:03 AM

What actually happened with that? Did that contest ever come to a conclusion? *spoilers* I voted for you.

Master Chief and Samus teamed up and fought the Reapers together in order to earn us the freedom to vote on community polls at Pixlbit. I demand a recount, we can't just ask Chief and Samus to fight the Reapers all over again.


09/25/2014 at 01:37 PM

I thought it was Yargz last time I checked with Snee in second place. 


09/25/2014 at 01:46 PM

Nope it was Snee who won with you in second place Julian. Yargz was way back, 


09/27/2014 at 08:37 PM

I once wrote a review of Little Big Planet after seeing a single screenshot and reading like three sentences of a larger preview. I totally would have won if I'd entered it. :P


09/25/2014 at 02:48 AM

Pixlbit's been a total blast for me. I started blogging at 1UP back in 2010 and found it very addicting. I love putting together photos and text and having even one person comment on it. When 1UP folded, I listened to Rangergirl and came to Pixlbit.

I love the design of the site. It's very visually attractive and well organized. I see some bigger sites that are too busy with images and popups, and have a really careless design that looks like it was just thrown together. I'm a sucker for good design, I guess. Everyone here has been civil and wonderful too.

I've told many people I work with about this site now. I keep thinking it would be cool to have a bumper sticker so I can "sell" the site to everyone on the road as I work. The more the merrier they say. I only wish I had had this kind of place to go when in High School. I was really lonely then and could've used a community like this.

So as I always have to say, Happy Bidet Pixlbit!

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

09/25/2014 at 10:03 AM

Remember, if the ads on the site do bother you, feel free to use an ad blocking extension


09/25/2014 at 02:57 PM

That's another thing, the ads here aren't intrusive at all unlike a lot of sites that bring a whole screen pop-up to interrupt whatever you're doing. Thanks for that.


09/25/2014 at 06:52 AM

Happy 5 years!!! I know I started out blogging heavily on 1up and then came here and it started to dwindle down. But it's nice to know I have a place where when I do feel like writing I can and it can be about whatever I darn well please to write about lol. But the staff and members in the community is great and thank you everyone for writing some new for me to read every day!


09/25/2014 at 09:16 AM

Happy 5th!  Congrats!  Can't wait to see what happens in the next 5 years.  Pixlbit staff does good work. Cool

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

09/25/2014 at 10:35 AM

Happy 5th Birthday Pixlbit! Congrats to Nick for bringing his dream brought into the world, and to everyone who helps make this site the awesome place that it is!


09/25/2014 at 01:55 PM

Great texts guys!

Like 90% of people here, I came after the sad closing of 1up, but fortunately thanks to Michael, I discovered this site and i've been enjoying every moment of it (though I made an account here much more later than the closing of 1up).

Anyway, Happy Anniversary Pixlbit!!!


09/26/2014 at 12:48 AM

In all honesty I shouldn't even be here. This site breaks one of my pet peeves with 90's spellings. Pixlbit, not Pixelbit. Because poor literacy is kewl! It's why I won't drink MTN Dew or fully appricate the RWBY web series.

Yet i have not found a gaming site that has a robust blog set up as this ones. Most sites either have forums or just comment sections. That's not enough for me. Though I haven't been one for community due to being so busy and antisocial, I hope stick it out here till my blogs eventually get banned. will be missed but looking forward to sharing in the fun that is this site. Here's to five years with more to come on pixlbit. (I feel so dirty saying it. =P)

Nick DiMola Director

09/26/2014 at 07:53 AM

Ha! We actually wanted the site to have proper spelling, but couldn't get the domain! We thought it was a cool name still, so we stuck with it. Figured nobody would miss that silly "e."


09/26/2014 at 05:51 PM

Five stars for five fine years! Congrats. (Even though I've personally only been here for the fifth one!)

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/07/2014 at 11:15 AM

Wow. This was beautiful and awesome and other words meaning superb. Seriously, this is a great site with a great - no, the greatest community on the internet.

 Also, lol Casey, are my Blogs really that offensive?


10/24/2014 at 06:13 AM

Well hi! Happy anniversary to everyone. I came here after 1Up and haven't been disappointed. I regretfully disappeared from the blog scene for awhile because, hey, life and poverty. But now I think I'm getting my life back on track, so hopefully I can start interacting more. Here's to five more years!


11/15/2014 at 09:39 PM

Cheers, this is great.

"What particularly convinced me to stay was a nice little post Nick DiMola had put up welcoming the former 1Up bloggers to this site with open arms.  It was like biting into a warm chocolate chip cookie of community friendship."

Couldn't agree more. I'm just thrilled to have been "the" Ulala on 1up- and that lots of people were able to come here from my friends list. I love you guys!

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