As a 1up survivor, I too was looking for a new place to call home while frantically trying to save my blogs. I'm just glad I was able to call this place my new internet home. Alot of the people I knew from 1up move here so I was glad I was able to see some familiar faces, but I met some new ones as well. I'll write something about this hopefully today so I'll keep this short. But congrats Pixlbit and congrats everyone!
Celebrating Five Years of PixlBit
The staff of PixlBit commemorates five years of the site.
Jesse Miller Celebrates Five Years of PixlBit
It’s amazing to me that I’ve been involved with PixlBit for just over three years. My very first article, More Human than Human, was published on August 30th, 2011. I look at that date and I can’t believe how much time has passed so quickly. In my tenure here so far I’ve contributed over 376 articles to the site, 31 staff blogs, and edited more content than I can remember. And through all that time, PixlBit has evolved from a simple site that wrote about games to the closely knit gaming community that it is today.
I wasn’t there in the beginning - PixlBit was celebrating its two year anniversary shortly after I came aboard - but in a way that didn’t matter. The makeup of PixlBit was always shifting. The site has been comprised of many voices, many of which are no longer around, but it turns out that the makeup of the staff isn’t what makes PixlBit a diamond in the rough, it’s the community that makes this place special. When shuttered its doors, this site served as a life raft for many of those wanting to find a new home. While 1up’s community was certainly fractured, I believe that those that chose to come here, to PixlBit, have best continued that venerable site’s legacy, and formed new bonds with those that perhaps had never heard of that site.
For my part, I’ve forged many strong bonds with the staff and community here over the years. Some of those were holdovers from my days as a 1up blogger. Some are more recent. All of them I’ve cherished and attribute to the site Nick DiMola launched over five years ago. For all that I’ve contributed to PixlBit over the years, this site has repaid me ten-fold. While my personal contributions to PixlBit have fallen off due to life getting in the way (becoming a father, getting a new job, buying a house, planning a wedding, etc…) this site and its community has not for a moment ceased to contribute to my life. I am quite thankful for the opportunities PixlBit has afforded me and hope that I have made even an inkling of an impact myself.
There’s no reason to believe that PixlBit won’t be around for another five years, or another ten for that matter. This site has and always will be a labor of love. We keep this site because of you and for you – the reader, the supporter, the fan. So long as you continue to call PixlBit your home, we’ll be there in one form or another.
Game on.