On 10/02/2013 at 12:17 PM,
It appears that I am feeling fairly talkative right now. Even though I may be self-conscious about my writing abilities, I know that writing is something that stimulates my brain. The other thing that helps me write is knowing that I actually do enjoy writing. I never really had issues writing papers in school. I even got an amazing scholarship for college because of an essay that I wrote. The one thing that I do really hate about writing is the editing process, which is why I rarely go back an edit what I have already written. I should make more of an effort to edit, if only to sound less like an idiot. I am sitting down and writing now because I finally feel my thought process settling down. If anybody noticed, my last couple of posts have been all over the place. There was a paragraph that was "finished" mid-sentence. I will warn you that I may re-cover some items from last time or the time before.
I think that we will start with movies. There are two specific points that I would like to talk about as far as movies are concerned. The first being the opportunities that I have to watch movies with my wife, and then the movies that I will never watch with my wife. My wife, Marie, had different priorities before she met me. Most of them have not changed, but now she is more willing to spend time actually watching movies. She has missed out on years of fantastic films and I have the wonderful opportunity to introduce her to them. She most like would have never watched a single Studio Ghibli film if it were not for me. Most recently we sat down and watched the Ghostbusters franchise. She enjoyed and laughed through both films. I know that Ghostbusters 2 has some problems, but I do not think that it deserves as much hate as some people throw at it. It is still enjoyable. There are certain types of movies that I still enjoy, but I know that Marie hates. Films that fall into the horror or gruesome categories or just plain stupid. So, whenever I find the time I do watch one of these types of films. Most recently I finished up Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, which is possibly my favourite zombie movie, ever. It is a fairly typical zombie film from the 70s, but there is just something about it that elevates it above the rest of the sub-genre. Some guy at work kept talking about Miami Connection and so I did watch that. It is quite possibly the funniest and stupid movie I have seen in quite some time. You need to check it out, Miami Connection. Also, on the topic of awful films, I have recently acquired access to a couple of Troma films and hope to watch Toxic Avenger and Class of Nuk'em High over the next couple of weeks.
I just wanted to talk a little bit about Kickstarter. So far I have backed a dozen or so items on Kickstarter. I need to stop backing projects. The majority of the games that I have backed are coming out specifically on PC and I rarely play PC games. I think that I just got caught up in the moment and had a lapse of judgment. A lapse of judgment that apparently keeps reoccurring. Shovel Knight is the only one that I know I will play because of the fact that it it coming out on 3DS. Hyper Light Drifter has an amazing art style and thankfully it is coming out on the PS4 and Vita, because otherwise I probably would not play it. Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns, Banner Saga, Project Eternity, and Torment are all games that I backed, but probably should not have. I have backed a couple of card games and so far one has delivered, Boss Monster, and the other two seem as though they should be going to the presses within the month. What I am trying to say is that I am not quite sure how I feel about Kickstarter. I should probably just block the website on all of the browsers that I use.
Just to recap the important bits. Ghostbusters 2 is not as bad as you remember. You need to watch both Miami Connection and Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, but for different reasons. Also, I think I changed my mind... I hate Kickstarter, but I also love it. It is mostly hate.