That's sad to find out, really liked his work.
That's sad to find out, really liked his work.
I've missed out on a bunch of Genesis games, that collection sounds right up my alley.
I'm also hoping for a last-minute Captain Falcon addition to Smash Bros., other than that and the new Pokemon games that's about all I'm interested in.
Add me to the list of those that hadn't heard of him before, wish I did though. At least his work lives on.
Getting paid to take a course? That's a definite plus.
My brother had an XL, really wish I had one too, but I'm still okay with my OG model.
Never fell asleep while playing a game because of boredom. Insomnia on the other hand...
Looks fun, really detailed for it's time too.
I'd love to go traveling one day, haven't been in an airplane in forever.
I still haven't played a Bioshock game, but I've seen some parts of each that really make me wish I could.