I'm familiar with the name, always a nice thing to see one of his pictures.
I'm familiar with the name, always a nice thing to see one of his pictures.
I wouldn't mind trying out the Kinect but I don't have near enough required space for it to work properly.
I kind of like the new jerseys, though didn't realize they were new when I was watching their game against Mexico. Guess that shows how little I pay attention to the one sport I actually follow.
I've only seen Citizen Kane once a few years ago and liked it a lot.
Don't have a PS3 or Vita, so for now I'll be using the power of imagination to play this.
Bubble Bobble looks like a lot of fun. I'll try to keep it in mind the next time I have money in my 3DS eShop account.
Loved Minish Cap when it first came out. The only part I kinda didn't like about it was that I unknowingly waited too long on one of the Kinstone fusions and couldn't get the Light Arrows. My brother managed to get it and when he showed me, I was less than thrilled.
A whole .04012014 of a cent? Don't have to worry about money anymore! Whoo!
Or not, darn post-April 1st April Fools.
Happy Birthday!
I've thought about life in RPG terms sometimes as well, usually while joking around with my brothers.
I'll admit you got me pretty good, just when I thought I wasn't gonna get fooled too.